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海外のメイトさん & 父兄さん 紹介 〜 メタル歴23年さん こと リー・カーター氏、その1

海外メイトさん・父兄さん 紹介
Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL (meito-san) and Sakura Gakuin (fukei-san) in overseas

リー・カーター/ Lee David Carter
イギリス/ United Kingdom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lee.carter.98892
Twitter: @magnacarter666

(Note: Original discussion between Lee and Ken in English follows after the Japanese translation. Scroll down, down, and down ↓ :-)

今回は、僕の友人の一人で、イギリスに住むベビメタメイトでありさくら学院父兄でもある『メタル歴23年』氏ことリー・カーター(Lee David Carter, Mr.)を紹介してみたい。
リーとフェイスブックで知り合ったのは、昨年秋、ベビメタが O2 Brixton Academy で公演する前のことだった。






L:たくさんいるよ。Guns N' Roses, Alice Cooper, AC/DC なんかのカヴァー演ってるバンドもあるし、もちろんオリジナルを演ってるバンドもいる。
“Bull Riff Stampede”ってバンドは僕のお気に入りでね、メンバーとは友達なんだ。いわゆるオールドスクール系のスラッシュメタルサウンドがイイんだな。
“Silly Band !”もすごく面白いよ。ライヴでは、80年代に流行ったスペースホッパーっていう、空気で膨らましたデカいゴムボールみたいなものを観客に向かって投げ込むんだ。人間が上に乗ってジャンプするおもちゃさ。観客のいるエリアにはウォールオブデスまで出来るんだからね。とにかく飛んだり跳ねたりする連中だとか、ブッ飛んだ酔っ払いだとかで会場が一杯になる。
この2つのバンド、すごくイイから YouTube でチェックしてみてほしいな。

L:オヤジが音楽好きでね、Alice Cooper, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Kiss, T Rex, Dire Straights, Led Zeppelin なんかを良く聴いてたから、まずはそのあたりから入ったんだ。
ティーンエージャーになってから、僕はスケートボードを始めたんだけど、その頃からは Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Rage Against the Machine, Korn, Green Day, Sponge なんかを聴き始めた。
16才になってからは Finns っていうパブに通うようになってね、ヘビメタ好きやバイク好きが集まるバーだよ。ジュークボックスなんかも置いてあった。そこでは色んなバンドに紹介してもらったよ、Morbid Angel, Nine Inch Nails, Sepultura とかね。それ以来、僕は音楽のみならず、ビリヤードやダーツをやりながら酒を楽しむようにもなったんだ。

L:僕のお気に入りは、Rhapsody of Fire, Iron Maiden, Aldious, Galneryus, Sabaton, Nekrogoblikon, Slayer, Megadeth、その他諸々、尽きないね。

K:こんなことを音楽好きに訊くのは愚問だって人もいるんだけどね(笑)、それを十分理解しつつ、敢えて訊くんだけど、好きなバンドとかアーティストをひとつだけ挙げることはできる? もしできるならそれが誰で、何で好きなのかも教えてくれるかな。
L:自分の好みに素直になった上で、パッと思いつくのは Rhapsody of Fire だね。実は、酒を飲みすぎていた時期があってね、少し断たなきゃっていうときに彼らの音楽はすごく力になったし、その意味でとても大切な作品でもあった。自分が酒の誘惑と戦えるって思えたし、実際に打ち勝つだけの力を与えてくれたんだ。

K:さっき、オヤジさんの話が出ていたけど、やっぱり君の音楽の好みは誰かに影響を受けたって思う? 例えば、家族とか友達とか。
その後はスケボーをやるようになって、仲間と互いに好きな音楽をシェアすることによって影響し合っていたと思う。さっき言った、Finns っていうバーでは自分の観たコンサートの話とか、好きなバンドの話を良くしてたもんだよ。僕の音楽の好みは、そんな中で育って来たって感じかな。

L:さくら学院武藤彩未、ベビメタをケータイとPCに入れたよ。でもね、さっき言ったバンドやアーティストの曲はもう全部網羅されているし、それだけじゃなくて、それこそヴィヴァルディから久石譲Children of Bodom、Nile(エジプトのブラックメタルバンド)まで、あるいは Anamanaguchi、Powerglove(アニメやゲーム音楽のメタル系カヴァーバンド)から、果ては1952年から2004年までのナンバー1ヒットシングルまで、とにかく色々入ってるんだ。

K:歌うのは好き? それとも、たまにカラオケでたしなむ程度って感じ?


L:アニメは若いころからもう超が付くほど大好きだよ。“ドラゴンボールZ”、“星方武俠アウトロースター”(Outlaw Star)、“北斗の拳”(Fist of the North Star)とかね。

L:YouTube で、X Japan とか Aldious, Galneryus, Destrose, Maximum the Hormon, Galmet なんかのジャパメタを聴いてたときに、関連動画として上がってきたのがベビメタのギミチョコだった。
最初あの曲を聴いたときにはちょっと戸惑ったけど、すぐに笑顔に変わったよ。それから“Catch Me if You Can”を聞いたりして、以降はもう一気にハマって行ったんだ。









(Original discussion in English between Lee and Ken is shown below)

Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in overseas

Lee David Carter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lee.carter.98892
Twitter: @magnacarter666

Today, I would like to introduce one of my friends, Mr. Lee Carter, also known as "Mr. 23 years of metal career", who is a big fan of BM/SG, living in the UK.
I got to know Lee via FB last fall right before the BM's gig at O2 Brixton Academy.
He is well-known among BM/SG fans in Japan, as he was interviewed in the documentary program of BM on NHK TV in December last year as a guy who had a metal career over 23 years. Because of that, his nickname in Japan is "Metaru-reki 23 nen-san"(メタル歴23年さん), which means "Mr. 23 years of metal career". It's 2015 now, so he may have to be called "Mr. 24 years" though :-)
He visited Japan in March - April this year to go to BM/SG-related concerts and events, and also to see BM mates and SG fukei-sans in Japan. I also met him a couple of times and went to rock club in Roppongi, rock bars in Shinjuku, Tower Cafe in Omote Sando, Ootoya in Shinjuku (laughter), etc.

It's a very good opportunity for me to get to know the process how non-Japanese person got really into BM & SG and became meito-san & fukei-san. On the other hand, there are the things that are quite common between non-Japanese and Japanese in the process, which interested me a lot as well.

Okay, let's start ...

Ken: Lee, where are you originally from ?
Lee: I am from a town called Weymouth which is a seaside town in the county of Dorset on the south coast of the uk

Ken: I guess it's famous as beach resort. Briefly tell us something about your hometown.
Lee: My town has a lot of history involving piracy smuggling and even the black death came to the uk on a ship that came into weymouth harbor. It also has a massive live music scene nearly every pub/nightclub has some form of live band/artist or singer play every night of the week there is also a small music festival held on bank holiday weekends

Ken: Any metal band there in your town ?
Lee: There are lots of metal bands in my town a lot do covers of GnR alice cooper AC/DC ect but there are also bands that do their own thing. Bull Riff Stampede are one of my favorite and they are also friends of mine they have an old school thrash sound and another band i like are Silly Band they are more about having fun where we have space hopper mosh pits and other silly drunken escapades - I mean they throw loads of space hoppers out to the crowd and then they have a wall of death on them and they have inflatable toys ball pits and other fun silly stuff.
Check them both out on youtube.

Ken: You mentioned in TV show that you had a metal career over the past 23 years as of last year, which means it's the 24th year for you as a metal fan or music lover in general. Can you just briefly tell us about your musical background ?
Lee: Well it all started when my dad would listen to alice cooper, deep purple, black sabbath, Kiss,Trex, Dire straights and Led Zeppelin. Then when i became a teenager i started skate boarding and got into bands like Iron Maiden,Motle crew,megadeath, rage against the machine korn greenday sponge. Then when i turned 16 i started going to a pub called Finns which is a heavy meta/biker bar and the dukebox and i was introduced to a lot of other bands like morbid angel,nine inch nails, Sepultura ect and i have been drinking playing pool and darts in that pub ever since.

Ken: Who are your favorite bands and artists other than BM/SG ?
Lee: Personally my favorite bands are rhapsody of fire, iron maiden, aldious, galneryus, sabaton, nekrogoblikon, slayer, megadeath the list is endless

Ken: Some may say this is a stupid question to ask a music fan (laughter), but is it possible for you to name only one band/artist as your most favorite ? If yes, pls tell us who it is and why.
Lee: If i am honest i would have to say rhapsody of fire because when i was suffering from drink addiction when i was giving it up their music was so powerful and epic it made me feel like i could battle through and it gave me the power to overcome my problem

Ken: You mentioned something about your dad. Do you think your musical preference was influenced by somebody in particular, I mean, by your family member (for example your dad) or friends or whoever ?
Lee: Well my dad started me off liking heavy music and then when i started skating with my frinds we used to share the music we like with each other and then at finns the bar i drank in we would always talk about shows we have been to bands we like ect and it has been growing ever since

Ken: Can you tell me the titles and artist names of 4 - 5 songs which you added to the play list of your portable music player (or cell phone) lately ?
Lee: lately i have just put the sakura gakuin ayami and babymetal metal on my phone and laptop as i have the discography of nearly every band i have mentioned and more i have all styles of music from vivaldi and joe hiasashi to children of bodom and Nile (Egyptian black metal band) from anamanaguchi and Powerglove (the band that plays heavy metal covers of cartoon and game intros) to every single number 1 hit from 1952 to 2004.

Ken: Do you sing ? Or just karaoke only ?
Lee: I sing all the time when i am at work playing video games and i like singing along to anime intros.

Ken: Do you play any musical instruments ?
Lee: i used to play the guitar and drums but stopped playing because they got stolen and then i got busy with working and never really had the time to get back into it

Ken: Any other relationships than music with Japan's culture for example anime and stuff ?
Lee: I am a massive fan of anime and i have been since i was a young lad it started with dragonball z outlaw star and fist of the north star and i have been watching them ever since then when i was round a friends house we sat down and watched GTO in 1998 and i have been watching J dramas ever since like gokusen 1 liter of tears hammer session ect

Ken: How did you "encounter" BABYMETAL for the first time ?
Lee; i was on youtube listening to japanese metal like X japan aldious galnerious dest rose maximum the hormone galmet ect and then babymetal came on the related section and i heard gimme coco was a little confused at first but was smiling like mad then i listen to catch me if you can and since then i have been hooked

Ken: Especially what attracted you ?
Lee: The fact that i have never seen or heard anything like that before and as i had found western music to become stale and repetitive it was great and every song i listened too just made me smile and feel happy inside

Ken: When your family members and friends got to know that you're a BM fan, was there any particular reaction from them ?
Lee: My family have always been supportive and respected what ever i was into and they have always supported me. my friends on the other hand they took the piss out of me for it but they still respect me and what i like we just like giving each other banter.

Ken: Soon after BM, I guess you automatically met Sakura Gakuin as all the members of BM were the ones of SG originally. What was the first impression of SG ?
Lee: Well i have always had a soft spot for j pop from the anime intros and when i saw the videos of SG and heard the music all my stress and anger just vanished and i found myself smiling and feeling happy inside very few artists have ever made me feel like that and they are all mega cute and innocent unlike a lot of the western music these days

Ken: Why SG attracted you ?
Lee: again because their music makes me happy but their attitude and dedication to working hard and staying so humble and thankful at the same time and at such a young age i find it both admirable and surprising that they have achieved such professionalism at such a young age

Ken: BM is really metal, but SG is kind of a typical female idol group that sings sweet and fancy songs. Was it easy for you to accept/ embrace them ? Or any obstacle which you had to overcome ?
Lee: not really if music makes me smile and i enjoy listening to it i do not see the problem in genre or who sings it.

Ken: I guess you have quite a few friends who are real and genuine and die-hard and hard-core metalheads. Is there anybody among them who became a big fan of BM or SG or both ?
Lee: A lot of them did not give the the time of day at first and slated them but when i showed them the videos with the live band and their live performance they started showing respect to them and a few now like them but i wouldn't say hard core fans. a lot of my friends who like anime and cosplay and the japanese culture in general love babymetal and sakura gakuin