されどロックな日々 - ANNEX

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海外のメイトさん・父兄さん紹介 〜 マイク・ジアニーノ“BABYMETAL Newswire”主宰、その2

海外のメイトさん・父兄さん紹介 〜 マイク・ジアニーノ“BABYMETAL Newswire”主宰、その2

Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in overseas.
(Note: Original discussion between Maik and Ken in English follows after the Japanese translation. Scroll down, down, and down ↓ :-)

マイク・ジアニーノ氏/ Mr. Mike Gianino
主宰者・編集長/ Owner and Editor in Chief
ベビーメタル・ニュースワイヤ/ BABYMETAL Newswire

BABYMETAL Newswire is a "Center for BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in Latin America" as defined by Ken Tabise :-)

<以下、その1 からの続き>

K: この写真、Linkin Park のリードシンガー、Chester Bennington (チェスター・ベニントン、写真左)と写ってるよね。いつ、どこで撮ったの? フェイス・トゥー・フェイスで彼に会ったとき、どんな気分だった?
M: これはね、2010年の10月4日に撮った写真なんだ。Linkin Park がアルゼンチン公演をやったときでね、ホテルの外で撮った。
何時間か待ってたら、Chester Bennington、Mike Shinoda(マイク・シノダ)、Phoenix Farrell(フェニックス・ファレル)たちが出て来てね、一緒に写真を撮ってもらったんだ。
僕自身はね、何と信じられないことに Phoenix と10分以上も話し込んじゃったんだ。ツアーのこととか、どうしてウルグアイではライヴをやってくれないのかとか(笑)。そのとき、ウルグアイLinkin Park ファンクラブで作ったファンアートを見せたんだけどね、ものすごく喜んでくれたよ。
Mike とも話したっけ。スペイン語や日本語で話してもらったよ。
Chester とはとりあえず、ハローって言い交わして写真を撮ってもらって終わり、みたいな感じだった。っていうのも彼の奥さん Talinda が、その場にいたファンたちに対してあんまり良い印象を持っていなかったみたいでね。
Linkin Park とは、その後、2012年にも再会した。ま、そのときは仕事がらみだったんだけど。

K: ついこないだ、ベビメタが2015年のワールドツアーをメキシコでキックオフしたとき、僕は君のFBグループで情報を収集してたんだ。あのギグはすごく上手く行ったようだけど、君としてはどう思ったかな、2015年ツアーのスタートアップとして?
M: メキシコのライヴはすごく良かったね。客はメタルが好きで、日本が好きで、ベビメタが好きで。
そんなこんなで僕としては結構心配だったんだけど、メキシコの連中は素晴らしかったね、YouTube に上がってるファンのビデオを観ると、あのコンサートがいかにすごかったかが良くわかる。
ちょうどさっき、1時間ぐらい前に見た「アカツキ」のビデオではファンが皆 SU-METAL に合わせて歌っていたし、ほとんど泣いてるようなファンもいた。

K: メキシコのコンサートについて、何がベストだったと思う? あと、何か今後に向けて課題みたいなものはあったかな?
M: 何よりも良かったのは、ベビメタがラテンアメリカを考慮に入れてくれたことかな。メキシコは他のラテンアメリカの国々への入り口になってくれる。
メキシコの連中は Metallica が大好きでね、Metallica もメキシコ大好きなんだ。

K: 君は色々とウェブサイトやFBのグループを主宰しているけど、いくつかURLと一緒に教えてくれる?
M: 広めてくれるんだ、ありがとう(笑)。日本のファンは欧米のファンよりもFBとかは使っていないみたいだけど、僕の“Newswire”アカウントのツイッターGoogle+ のリンクを貼っておくよ。
Website: www.babymetalnewswire.com
Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/babymetalnewswire
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/babymetalnewswire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/babymetalnews_
Instagram: http://instagram.com/babymetalnewswire
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116380570271375731181

K: ネットでは色んなプロジェクトを主宰しているけど、向こう1年ぐらいのプランを教えてくれる?
M: メインでやろうとしていたことはもう形にすることができた。とはいえ、まだまだ新しいアイデアはたくさんあるよ。アーカイヴ作りとか、古いインタヴューや古い動画の整理には今でも取り組んでる。恐らく日本のファンなら見たことあるものばかりだろうけど、欧米のファンはまだ見たこともないと思うんだ。

K: 他に何か日本のファンに伝えておこうっていうような話はある? ぜひとも聞きたいんだけど。
M: いや、特にない……いやいや、冗談だよ(笑)。

K: 君の住んでるモンテビデオウルグアイについて教えてくれる? 全体的にどんな感じなのかとか、音楽的な環境だとかさ。何か参考になるURLとか教えてくれるとありがたい。
M: う〜んとね、まず僕はモンテビデオに住んでる。ウルグアイの首都だね。ウルグアイは凄く小さい国だよ(何せ、もあより小さいから:笑)。
音楽的にはね、まず大きなジャンルとして“Musica Popular”っていうのがある。これは要するに英語でいうポピュラーミュージックのことだね。まだ国が軍事政権の下にあったころ、民衆が政権に対して抵抗を示すための音楽でね、今でもすごく人気があるんだ。
Musica Popular は基本的にソロアーティストによって創られるんだ。アコースティックギターとヴォーカル、つまり弾き語りだね。ま、とどのつまりフォークミュージック、民族音楽ってことさ。もちろん弾き語りばかりではなく、別の形でやっているアーティストやバンドだってあるよ。
一応、YouTube のリンクをいくつか教えておくね。ウルグアイ出身で、僕がリスペクトしているアーティストたちだよ。とはいえ、まあ、僕自身が彼らの熱心なファンかっていうと、そんなでもなかったりするんだけど(笑)。
ハードロック&ヘヴィメタルのバンド、“La Trampa”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCRqxT7P3HM
ヒップホップバンド、“La Teja Pride”。彼らとはその昔顔見知りだった。すごく才能のある連中だよ。このビデオには僕の住んでいるところが出て来るんだ:
それからフォーク(Musica Popular)ではベストのグループ、“Larbanois & Carrero”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0e5Yf4Ucas

K: 最後に、日本の読者へ何かクロージングのメッセージをくれるかな?
M: これがメッセージになるかどうかはわからないんだけど、僕が今やりたいと思ってることをシェアしてみようか。
僕が主催している BABYMETAL Newswire に関しては、日本の皆に支えられていると思っているし、それについては感謝してる。どうもありがとう。
日本のファンがいなかったら、Newswire のコンセプトは実現し得なかっただろうし、そもそも僕がやりたかったことは、さっきもちょっと言ったけど、日本と海外のファンの間に架け橋を作ることだったんだ。お互いに敬意を持ち、しっかりとした活動をして、様々なニュースを提供する。
皆には、ぜひともさくら学院を応援し続けてほしいんだ。ベビメタの3人は全員さくら学院を卒業しちゃったから、もう応援するのはやめたなんて書き込みを見たんだけど、それは間違いだよね。2015年度のさくら学院は、これまで以上にますます僕ら皆の応援が必要なんだ! ベビーメタルもさくら学院は二つで一つ(ONE)なんだから。

K: オーケー、今日はどうもありがとう!


(Original discussion in English between Maik and Ken is shown below)

Introducing a fan of BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in overseas, Part 2.

Mike Gianino (Mr.)
Owner and Editor in Chief

BABYMETAL Newswire is a "Center for BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin in Latin America" as defined by Ken Tabise :-)

K: In this picture, you are with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park (Left in picture). When and where was it shot ? What did you feel back then when you met him f2f ?
M: Well, that picture is from October 4th of 2010. Was outside of Linkin Park's hotel in Argentina. I was with a group of 8 more fans waiting for them because we knew from a very good source that they went outside for seightseing. So after hours of waiting Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda and Phoenix Farrell appeared and took pictures with us. In my case i had an incredible talk with Phoenix with over 10 minutes about their tours, and why then will never play in my country (Laughs). Also showed him the work of at time LP Uruguay Fan Club and he was really impressed! Also talked with Mike and made him talk in Spanish and Japanese, with Chester was just a hello, photo and bye because his Wife Talinda wasn't very happy with the fans there. I met them in 2012 once again when i worked for them but that's another story.

K: I was constantly checking the threads in your FB groups, and learned that BABYMETAL kicked off their World Tour in Mexico last Saturday very successfully. What is your general impression on the gig in Mexico as a start-up of their tour in 2015 ?
Maik: Mexico is great, they love metal, they love Japan and they love BABYMETAL. I wasn't sure about how many people would attend to the show because Latin American countries are poor, the show was announced and nobody was expecting that date plus the tickets were very expensive compared with other World Tour shows. So i was worried but Mexico did a great job and the fan videos on Youtube are showing how awesome was the show and the performance, just watch Akatsuki, they sing along with Su-Metal, almost cried watching it hours ago.

Ken: Also, in regards to the Mexico show, from your point of view, what was best and what could be improved ?
Maik: The best at least to me is that BABYMETAL considered Latin America, Mexico was always the door for the rest of the Latin continent. Metallica loves Mexico because they love Metallica, so i believe BABYMETAL will love Mexico because they love BABYMETAL. What could be improved? Many things, i didn't liked those piracy merchandise booths outside the venue, and seems like the organization wasn't very good, in addition part of those organizative problems generated the delay of the show in 10 to 15 minutes.

Ken: You have some websites and FB Groups. Could you recommend some of them to us ? Also, URLs would be of great help.
Maik: (Laughs) Thank you very much for spreading the word, i will link you our Network. I know some Japanese people in general is not open to Facebook as Western people but feel free to follow Newswire on Twitter or Google+
Website: www.babymetalnewswire.com
Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/babymetalnewswire
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/babymetalnewswire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/babymetalnews_
Instagram: http://instagram.com/babymetalnewswire
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116380570271375731181

Ken: What is your plan with your project in general, say, over the coming one year or so ?
Maik: The main idea has been already stablished. But i have a bunch of new ideas. I'm still working on archives, old interviews, old videos that probably most of the Japanese fans already watched but most of the Western fans missed it. Also we are working on giveaways to give the chance to fans to get some original BABYMETAL merchandise, you know sometimes is hard to get merchandise from Japan. And well, i have more ideas but "only that Fox God knows!" (Laughs)

Ken: If there is anything else that may be helpful for us, could you share ?
Maik: No thank you. (Laughs) Just kidding. I think i didn't made mention to my favorite BABYMETAL songs yet. Because in coming from rock and metal core, my favorite songs are Akatsuki and Ijime Dame Zettai. I love all the songs of course, but Maik cried several times with those songs, are very important to me, helped me in some rough times lately and i believe that is something important to share because people always talk about BABYMETAL as something fun, almost like a parody of metal and actually i would like to make people think around the world that besides some "kawaii metal" songs, there are so many deep and touching messages in their songs that are (at least to me) important and need to be shared.

Ken: Could you tell me something about Montevideo and Uruguay in general and also in musical aspect ? Any URLs would be appreciated.
Maik: Let me see, i live in Montevideo, capital city of Uruguay. My country is a very small country (Small like Moa). It is between two huge countries, Argentina and Brazil. And for the name we have, we are usually confused with Paraguay, but we are more famous than them because our amazing football (Soccer) players (Laughs).
About our music, the main musical genre is called "Musica Popular", which means translated "Popular Music" because was the kind of music that when we were under militar goverment people expressed their rejection to that kind of power and was very popular. Basically that music is made by soloists with only an acoustic guitar and voice. In summary "Musica Popular" is Folk Music. Of course there are several other artists and bands doing similar styles. We also have Rock, Metal, Pop, Hip Hop and other genres that Maik really hates like "Cumbia", which is like something similar to the Brazilian "Salsa" but with awful lyrics and sometimes very sexualized in dance and lyrics.
Here are a couple of Youtube videos of artists that i really respect from my country but i can't consider myself a fan of them.
Hard Rock Metal band, "La Trampa": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCRqxT7P3HM
Hip Hop band "La Teja Pride" (I was some kind of friend of them in the past, they are very talented!). This one shows my city: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EwxkG5XJY8
And the best group of Folk (Musica Popular), Larbanois & Carrero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0e5Yf4Ucas

K: As a closing, could you give a message to your readers in Japan ?
Maik: Not sure if this would be considered as message, this is probably sharing a wish aloud. I want to go to Japan, i'm not the kind of Western person who is "Fan of Japan" and loves everything there. I respect Japan's culture first of all, i've learned so many things of your culture and that made me think that if life were easier i would like to live there, at least talking in english. With that said, thanks to BABYMETAL i met so many great friends, like you Ken-Sama, who i really consider as friend and i would love to meet someday. Also in name of BABYMETAL Newswire i want to thank you for the support and thank to all the Japanese fans supporting the project because without Japanese fans Newswire's concept would be empty, because the main idea as i said is build a bridge between both fandoms with respect, discipline of work and of course News. Sorry if our posts are in English, i'm tring to learn Japanese but takes time (Laughs). That's all, thank you for this great time Ken-Sama! Oh! One more thing, a message to all, this is a message! Please keep supporting Sakura Gakuin, i read some people saying that since BABYMETAL girls
graduated from there there is no reason to support them. They are wrong, Nendo 2015 needs our support more than ever! BABYMETAL and Sakura Gakuin are ONE.

Ken: Okay, thank you very much !

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